Oznaka: ranko bošnjak

  • The Commission interpreted: Ranko Bošnjak is not in a conflict of interest, and he advised the journalist from Direkt not to press the issue

    The Commission interpreted: Ranko Bošnjak is not in a conflict of interest, and he advised the journalist from Direkt not to press the issue

    TREBINJE – The Republic Commission for Determining Conflict of Interest in the Authorities of Republika Srpska issued a decision stating that Ranko Bošnjak is not in a conflict of interest, despite being both a city council member and the director of the company “Monting energetika”, which conducted business with the City of Trebinje valued at more than 30,000 marks.

    FOTO: Grad Trebinje/Direkt

    Direkt uncovered how council member Ranko Bošnjak voted for the Decision on the financing of floodlights at the “Police” stadium in Trebinje, and shortly thereafter, his company became part of the winning consortium in the tender for the installation of floodlights. We extensively covered this in the article “Ranko Bošnjak – both council member and contractor”.

    Following our story, Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina (TI BiH) reported Council Member Bošnjak to the Republic Commission for Determining Conflict of Interest in the Authorities of Republika Srpska in July of last year. The basis for the report was that the Law on Conflict of Interest Prevention in Republika Srpska clearly states that elected representatives cannot be members of the management or directors of companies doing
    business with the authorities of Republika Srpska or local self-government units during their tenure if the value of the contract exceeds 30,000 KM.

    In the case of council member Ranko Bošnjak, the value of the contract exceeded this amount, and he was the director of the company “Monting energetika”.

    The Commission initiated the procedure at the beginning of August last year and requested clarification from Council Member Bošnjak, which arrived only on November 1.

    After the report to the Commission, Ranko Bošnjak handed over the directorial position in “Monting energetika” to his son Bojan, while he remained in the position of deputy director.

    This action resolved the unlawful situation that was the cause for the report to the Commission, although it did not change the fact that, at the time of our article's publication and TI BiH report, the situation existed.

    Bošnjak's lawyer, as evident in the Commission's decision, practically acknowledges the existence of an unlawful situation that led to Bošnjak's report. He emphasises that this situation was subsequently rectified.

    “The Commission received a statement through attorney Dragan Škuletić, stating that, in order to rectify the unlawful situation that prompted the mentioned initiative, the company made a change in the director's position, for which appropriate evidence was provided”, as stated in the Commission's decision.

    The Commission acknowledges that there was a conflict of interest and emphasises that Bošnjak is no longer in conflict.

    “Considering that, due to the removal of the unlawful situation, Mr. Bošnjak is no longer in the position of the company's director, he is consequently no longer in a conflict of interest”, as stated in the decision signed by Obrenka Slijepčević.

    Problematic Interpretation of the Law, Conflict Definitely Existed

    Transparency International Bosnia and Herzegovina is not surprised by the Commission's decision, as they state that this is just one in a series of decisions by the Commission that has no basis in the law.

    Srđan Traljić from this organisation warns that, alongside a flawed law, the application and interpretation of the existing law by the Commission are very problematic, leading to complete absurdity.

    They have announced an appeal against this decision by the Commission.

    “The Commission had to determine whether Mr. Bošnjak was in a conflict of interest at the time of filing our complaint. We submitted the complaint sometime in July of last year, and he only informed the Commission in November that he had left the position of the director of his own company. So, the conflict of interest definitely existed at the time we reported the case. We are waiting for the Commission's decision on the appeals”, stated Traljić for Direkt.

    He pointed out the shortcomings of the existing law regulating the area of conflicts of interest in Republika Srpska, stating that it is necessary for entity and state laws to be aligned.

    “Here, of course, there are shortcomings in the law that we often point out because the law states that a public official cannot be a director, a member of the management board, or a supervisory board of a private company doing business with the state. The owner of the company is not mentioned in the law. The Commission did not delve into determining how this company is organised, who is a member of the management and supervisory boards, and that's a separate story”, emphasises Traljić.

    He adds that in the case of the law in Republika Srpska, it is not problematic for the son of a public official to be the director of a company doing business with the state, while at the state level, this is a problem.

    “When we talk about the shortcomings of the law, this prohibition for public officials to lead private companies doing business with the public sector, at the state level, also applies to the family members of these officials. In the entity law, this is not the case, so it is not
    forbidden for the son of a public official to be the director of a company doing business with the state. At the state level, it is, and we have filed two significant complaints against Nermin Nikšić and Milorad Dodik, and we are waiting for decisions. Therefore, we believe that all these laws should be harmonised because it is an important mechanism for preventing corruption”, concluded Traljić for Direkt.

    City Council member Ranko Bošnjak refused to speak to “Direkt” and, in a phone call, only told us not to press him anymore.

    In any case, the purchase and installation of reflectors at the stadium of the Football Club “Leotar” is a project for which the city allocated about 1.6 million marks without VAT. This procurement was realised only on the third attempt, with changes in the types of procedures and prices for the reflectors, which were criticised by the local opposition throughout the process. Direkt portal

  • Komisija protumačila: Ranko Bošnjak nije u sukobu interesa, novinarki Direkta poručio da ga ne pegla

    Komisija protumačila: Ranko Bošnjak nije u sukobu interesa, novinarki Direkta poručio da ga ne pegla

    TREBINJE – Republička komisija za utvrđivanje sukoba interesa u organima vlasti Republike Srpske donijela je rješenje po kojem Ranko Bošnjak nije u sukobu interesa, zbog toga što je istovremeno bio gradski odbornik i direktor firme „Monting energetika“, koja je poslovala sa Gradom Trebinjem u vrijednosti većoj od 30.000 maraka.

    FOTO: Grad Trebinje/Direkt

    Direkt je otkrio kako je odbornik Ranko Bošnjak glasao za Odluku o načinu finansiranja reflektora na stadionu „Police“ u Trebinju, da bi nedugo nakon toga njegova firma bila dio pobjedničkog konzorcijuma na tenderu za poslove ugradnje reflektora. O tome smo detaljno pisali u tekstu Ranko Bošnjak – i odbornik i izvođač radova. 

    Tragom naše priče, Transparensi internešnal Bosne i Hercegovine (TI BiH) u julu prošle godine prijavio je odbornika BošnjakaRepubličkoj komisiji za utvrđivanje sukoba interesa u organima vlasti RS. Uporište prijave bilo je to što Zakon o sprečavanju sukoba interesa RS jasno kaže da izabrani predstavnici ne mogu biti članovi uprave ili direktori privrednih društava koja posluju sa organom vlasti Republike ili jedinice lokalne samouprave u vrijeme dok oni vrše javne funkcije, a ako je vrijednost posla veća od 30.000 KM.

    U slučaju odbornika Ranka Bošnjaka vrijednost posla jeste bila viša od tog iznosa, a on je bio direktor firme „Monting energetika“.

    Komisija je postupak pokrenula početkom avgusta prošle godine te zatražila izjašnjenje od odbornika Bošnjaka, koje je stiglo tek 1. novembra.

    Nakon prijave Komisiji, Ranko Bošnjak je direktrosku poziciju u “Monting energetici” prepustio svom sinu Bojanu, a on je ostao na mjestu zamjenika direktora.

    Time je otklonio protivpravno stanje koje je bilo i povod za prijavu Komisiji, ali ne i činjenicu da je ono u trenutku objave našeg teksta i prijave TI BiH postojalo.

    Bošnjakov advokat, vidljivo je u rješenju Komisije, praktično priznaje da je postojalo protivpravno stanje zbog koga je Bošnjak prijavljen te naglašava da je ono nakon toga otklonjeno.

    „Komisija je zaprimila izjašnjenje po pounomoćniku advokatu Draganu Škuletiću u kojem se navodi da je radi otklanjana protivpravnog stanja koje je dalo povoda pomenutoj inicijativi  preduzeće izvršilo promjenu na mjestu direktora, o čemu su dostavljeni odgovarajući dokazi“, navedeno je u rješenju Komisije.

    Da je postojao sukob interesa priznaje i Komisija i naglašava da se Bošnjak više ne nalazi u sukobu.

    „S obzirom na to da se gospodin Bošnjak radi otklanjanja protivpravnog stanja više ne nalazi na mjestu direktora preduzeća, samim tim se više ne nalazi u sukobu interesa“, stoji u rješenju koje je potpisala Obrenka Slijepčević.

    Problematično tumačenje zakona, sukob definitivno postojao

    U Transparensi internešnalu BiH nisu iznenađeni odlukom Komisije, jer je, kako navode, ovo samo jedna u nizu odluka ove Komisijekoja nema uporište u zakonu.

    Srđan Traljić iz ove organizacijeupozorava da je pored lošeg zakona vrlo problematična primjena i tumačenje postojećeg zakona od strane Komisije i da je sve dovedeno do potpunog apsurda.

    Najavili su i žalbu na ovakvu odluku Komisije.

    „Komisija je morala da utvrdi da li je gospodin Bošnjak bio u sukobu interesa u trenutku podnošenja naše prijave. Mi smo prijavu podnijeli nekad u julu prošle godine, a on je tek u novembru obavijestio Komisiju da je napustio poziciju direktora vlastitog preduzeća, tako da je sukob interesa definitivno postojao u trenutku kad smo mi prijavili slučaj. Čekamo odluku Komisije za žalbe“, izjavio je za Direkt Traljić.

    On je ukazao i na manjkavosti postojećeg zakona koji reguliše oblast sukoba interesa u Republici Srpskoj, navodeći da je neophodno da entitetski i državni zakoni budu usklađeni.

    „Ovdje se radi svakako i o nedostacima zakona na koje često ukazujemo, jer u zakonu stoji da funkcioner ne može biti direktor, član uprave ili nadzornog odbora privatnog preduzeća koje posluje sa državom. Vlasnik preduzeća se ne pominje u zakonu. Komisija se ovdje nije upuštala u utvrđivanje toga kako je ovo preduzeće organizovano, ko je član upravnog, a ko nadzornog odbora i to je posebna priča“, ističe Traljić.

    Dodaje da u slučaju zakona iz Republike Srpske nije problematično da sin nekog funkcionera bude direktor preduzeća koje posluje sa državom, dok je na državnom to problem.

    „Kada govorimo o nedostacima zakona, ova zabrana javnim funkcionerima da vode privatna preuduzeća koja posluju sa javnim sektorom, na državnom nivou odnosi se i na članove porodice tih funkcionera. U entitetskom zakonu to nije slučaj, tako da nije zabranjeno da sin nekog funkcionera bude direktor preduzeća koje posluje sa državom. Na državnom nivou jeste i mi smo recimo u takvom slučaju podnijeli dvije značajne prijave protiv Nermina Nikšića i Milorada Dodika i čekamo da se donesu odluke. Zbog toga smatramo da svi ovi zakoni treba da budu usklađeni, jer je to važan mehanizam prevencije korupcije“, zaključio je Traljić za Direkt.

    Odbornik Ranko Bošnjak odbio je da govori za „Direkt“ i u telefonskom razgovoru samo nam je poručio da ga ne peglamo više.

    Inače, nabavka i ugradnja reflektora na stadionu Fudbalskog kluba  „Leotar“ posao je za koji je grad izdvojio oko 1,6 miliona maraka bez PDV-a i ova nabavka realizovana je tek iz trećeg pokušaja, mijenjane su vrste postupka i cijene reflektora, koji su sve vrijeme bili na meti kritike lokalne opozicije.  Direkt portal

  • Ranko Bošnjak – both a councillor and a contractor

    Ranko Bošnjak – both a councillor and a contractor

    TREBINJE – Although it was announced that the first match under the new lighting would be played in May of this year, the installation of floodlights at the “Leotar” Football Club stadium in Polica is still ongoing. However, as “Direkt” has learned, the works are expected to be completed soon. The contract for this project, which is worth 1.6 million marks without VAT and is funded by the City of Trebinje, was awarded to a consortium consisting of “Herc gradnja”, “Nexen” from Banja Luka, and the company of Ranko Bošnjak, an ombudsman of the SNSD party in the Trebinje Assembly, called “Monting energetika”. “Direkt” has investigated whether Bošnjak, as a councillor, was in a conflict of interest and whether his company was lawfully involved in the works.

    FOTO: Direkt portal
